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More about W H Smith wrappers  see
Wrappers 1901-1937
The C A Malcolm wrappers from 1902
Wrappers 1937 - 1960's
A Mystery W H Smith Newspaper Wrapper

W H Smith & Son Newspaper Wrappers 1870 - 1901

Over a period of over 80 years the number of newspaper wrappers used by W H Smith runs into many multi millions. Today there are few about and very difficult to obtain. 

Most of the wrappers used by W H Smith were precancelled by the Post Office to enable the company to take the wrapped newspapers directly to various railway stations to catch the mail trains.
PLEASE NOTE -  the images on these pages have been scanned at different percentages.
Wrapper dimensions can vary by several mms, the sizes given here are the the sample that I have.


W H Smith Newspaper Wrapper 1882 to Alexandria Egypt
W H Smith 1882 newspaper wrapper addressed to Mr V Penasson, Bookseller, Alexandria, Egypt
  W H Smith newspaper wrapper, with an  embossed date 13.1.82.
The cancel is a W H Smith precancel SS F
The earliest date I have is 11.12.69 and the latest is 12.10.83
The wrappers are 127 to 129 mm wide and 246 to 254 mm deep

cut out from an 1882 1½d newspaper wrapper,
the precancel, SS  F,  is 10½mm wide and 7mm high the oval in the centre is 4¼mm wide

w h smith 1887 newspaper wrapper 2d
1887 wrapper addressed to Messrs Reicherter & Hildenbrand, Hotel Continetal, Mustapha Superieur, Algiers
W H Smith 2d newspaper wrapper with embossed date 16.12.87
The wrapper is 127mm wide and 252mm deep

1886 w h smith newspaper wrapper 3d
1886 wrapper addressed to Ward Room Mess, H.M.S. Neptune, Mediterranean Station
W H Smith 3d newspaper wrapper with embossed date 6.4.86
The wrapper is 190mm wide and 315mm deep

Cutouts from a 3d wrapper embossed 14.9.83 and a 4d wrapper embossed 3.11.83

W H Smith 6d newspaper wrapper
unused W H Smith 6d newspaper wrapper embossed 5.5.1885
wrapper size 191 wide 318 deep


W H Smith Newspaper Wrapper
W H Smith newspaper wrapper addressed to A C Hall, Esq, Professor Balzer, Eisenach, Germany
W H Smith 1d newspaper wrapper with no embossed date.
126mm wide, 254mm deep


cut outs from 2d 1890, 2½d 1892 and a 3d 1893 newspaper wrapper produced for W H Smith,
all are precancelled with the special obliterator, SS  F,  for W H Smith newspaper wrappers
all these wrappers have an embossed date.

W H Smith 1890 newspaper wrapper to Major Legh Phillips, Nuellens Hotel, Aachen, Germany
  addressed to Major Legh Phillips, Nuellens Hotel, Aachen, Germany 
 W H Smith 1½d newspaper wrapper, embossed date 7.3.1890

1893 W H Smith newspaper wrapper to Officers' Mess, R.A., Europa, Gibraltar
addressed to Officers' Mess, R.A., Europa, Gibraltar

1893 1½d newspaper wrapper, embossed date 25.5.93
189mm wide (incomplete)

1892 W H Smith newspaper wrapper 2d
addressed to Madame de la Blanchetais, Hotel Price de Galles, Cannes, France
2d newspaper wrapper, embossed date 10.3.1892
309 mm deep (incomplete)

1893 W H Smith newspaper wrapper 2½d
2½d newspaper wrapper, embossed date 13.1.1893, 190 mm wide (incomplete)

W H Smith 1893 newspaper wrapper to Colonel Chas Morgan, Santa Catalina Hotel, Las Palmas, Grand Canary
W H Smith newspaper wrapper addressed to Colonel Chas Morgan, Santa Catalina Hotel, Las Palmas, Grand Canary
2½d with embossed date 15.12.93, plus 1d without embossed date. 190mm wide, incomplete wrapper.

1892 W H Smith newspaper wrapper 3d + 1½d
3d (embossed 18.10.1892) plus 1½d (embossed 17.10.1892) newspaper wrapper
191 mm wide x 317 mm deep


W H Smith newspaper wrapper 1½d + 2d
addressed to H R H The Prince of Bulgaria, Palais, Sofia, Bulgaria
W H Smith newspaper wrapper 1½d plus 2d, 190(?) mm wide x 314 mm deep

W H Smith Newspaper wrapper 2d
addressed to Messrs Pitcairn. Knowles, Simom & Co Limited, Leipzigerst 105, Berlin, Germany
W H Smith 2d newspaper wrapper uprated with ½d, 190mm x 318mm

W H Smith wrapper 2d plus 1½d
addressed to Sereants' Mess, R.A., Kirkee, India
W H Smith newspaper wrapper 2d plus 1½d, 192mm wide, incomplete wrapper
uprated with 3 x ½d stamps, cancelled with the W H Smith SS F precancel

W H Smith wrapper addressed to Establishment Sanssouci, Carlsbad, Austria
addressed to Establishment Sanssouci, Carlsbad, Austria
circa 1893 newspaper wrapper, 2½d, 189mm x 315mm


W H Smith 1890's newspaper wrapper to Mrs Bolster c/o Frau Generalin von Silfart, 52 Koniggratzer Strasse, Berlin, Germany
addressed to Mrs Bolster c/o Frau Generalin von Silfart, 52 Koniggratzer Strasse, Berlin, Germany
The design of this wrapper is same as the 1878 standard newspaper wrapper.
The size is different, it is 126mm x 255mm , and all corners are cut square.
This design for the W H Smith address was in use from about 1884 till about 1902

W H Smith 1890's newspaper wrapper to Capt R F Bell, Fort Napier, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa
addressed to Capt R F Bell, Fort Napier, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Africa
A 1½d newspaper wrapper produced for W H Smith
The wrapper size is 171mm x 317
A Foreign Branch "F.B" obliterator has been used to cancel the wrapper.
There is an offset of this cancel on the inside of the wrapper,
which suggests that this wrapper was precancelled

addressed to C H Labouchere, Esq, Nordrach Colonie, Badesche, Schwarzwald, Germany
addressed to C H Labouchere Esq, Nordrach Colonie, Badesche, Schwarzwald, Germany
A 2d newspaper wrapper with an additional ½d stamp
Wrapper measures 191mm x 315mm

W H Smith 3d newspaper wrapper to Mrs West, Rue Leopold 110, Malines, Belgium
addressed to Mrs West, Rue Leopold 110, Malines, Belgium
A 3d newspaper wrapper to which an additional 1½d stamp has been affixed.
Wrapper size is 186mm x 311mm

<> W H Smith QV newspaper wrapper
addressed to J C J Drucker Esq, Hotel Cosmopolitan, Nice, France
A 6d newspaper wrapper 192mm x 306mm

W H Smith 1890's newspaper wrapper to Countess Magawly de Calry, Residenz Hotel, Vienna, Austria
addressed to Countess Magawly de Calry, Residenz Hotel, Vienna, Austria
The design of this wrapper is same as the 1883 standard newspaper wrapper.
Wrapper is 126mm wide x 254mm deep with square cut corners.
This design was in use till 1902

W H Smith wrapper addressed to C A Malcolm Esq, hotel Zum Schwan, Dillenburg, Hesse Nassau, Germany
addressed to C A Malcolm Esq, hotel Zum Schwan, Dillenburg, Hesse Nassau, Germany
The design of this wrapper is same as the 1883 standard newspaper wrapper.
Wrapper is 125mm wide x 254mm deep with square cut corners.
This design was in use till 1902

1890's W H Smith newspaper wrapper to Officers'  Mess, 1st Batt. Wiltshire Regt, Quetta, India
addressed to Officers'  Mess, 1st Batt. Wiltshire Regt, Quetta, India
4d newspaper wrapper
(this copy has been trimmed all round)

1901 W H Smith newspaper wrapper to Officers'  Mess, 1st Batt. Wiltshire Regt, Peshawar, India
addressed to Officers'  Mess, 1st Batt. Wiltshire Regt, Peshawar, India
4d + ½d newspaper wrapper used in 1901
255+mm wide x 252mm deep

More about W H Smith wrappers
Wrappers 1901-1937
The C A Malcolm wrappers from 1902
Wrappers 1937 - 1960's
A Mystery W H Smith Newspaper Wrapper

© Jan Kosniowski 2004-2008